What do fireworks, outdoor seating and park cameras have in common? | Government Meetings | messagemedia.co

2022-07-15 20:05:35 By : Ms. Bernice Lau

Several topics, from fireworks to security cameras, were addressed at a regular Aitkin City Council meeting held July 5.

The security cameras located at Aitkin City Park are low in megapixels and, therefore, unable to be used to identify faces, cars and license plates. The police department and public works have been working with the camera company to increase the clarity and other usabilities of the equipment. 

“We did narrow the focus down on the cameras,” explained Aitkin Police Chief Paul Ryan. “We almost need a combination of the current cameras, mixed with a higher megapixel camera, to be able to use for law enforcement.”

There was talk between council members as to what the next step in the process would be for resolving the camera issues, whether it be canceling the contract, getting new cameras or giving the contracted camera company more time to rectify the issue. 

“If we can have (the company) come to the next council meeting in two weeks and have them present all of this stuff to us … we can make a better judgment call,” said council member Leeann Moriarty.

There is confusion if the cameras currently at the park are the same as the ones in the original sale presentation. “I think we need to have in our possession a copy of the contract that we signed and a copy of the proposal that was originally presented to us,” added council member Kathy Galliger.

“If we can get a resolution with the current company or if they can provide a better service for the same amount of money, then I think it would be worth looking into rectifying it,” said Moriarty. “Maybe we can get a different resolution than just nixing the contract altogether.” 

The next step planned by the council is to invite the camera company to a meeting for a discussion. 

The park department was set up at the Aitkin County Fair with three different city park concepts from Confluence, the architectural firm hired to help with the park revamp. The public was able to give its opinion on the options at the fair booth.

“I think that the Tibbetts area is super cool,” said Mayor Megan Workman.

According to the fireworks committee, the 4th of July fireworks were postponed until July 7 due to poor weather and soggy fairgrounds. “There were four of us there (at the fairgrounds), we were all looking at our phones, we all had different weather,” described Moriarty. “Besides the weather, the other concern was the grounds were so wet out there, there was absolutely no dry place for anybody to sit.”

Variance and conditional use permits (CUP) for Bonham Construction were recommended for approval by the planning and zoning committee. These permits are for the Aitkin Shopko building which will become a Tractor Supply Co. store. One variance is for reducing parking spaces from 129 to 113, the second variance is for a fence and the CUP is for exterior storage of equipment. Permits were granted by the council.

Temporary outdoor seating was previously approved for businesses in downtown Aitkin due to COVID-19 restrictions and the topic was brought back up during the July 5 meeting. The American Disabilities Act sidewalk requirements are not met when chairs and tables are out. However, since there have not been any complaints, the discussion was tabled for further review at a later undetermined date.  

Riverboat Days permits for the parade, race and sip and stroll street fair were approved by the council. 

Aitkin City Council minutes can be found on the city’s website at www.ci.aitkin.mn.us/index.asp?SEC=4BA92925-71A6-4AC7-8649-99AA9ED87974.

The next regular meeting of the Aitkin City Council will be July 18 at 6 p.m.

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