Orbán told the new patrollers that the country “respects your commitment, your courage, and that you have agreed to do this task and we will appreciate the service you do for your homeland”. “A whole country is behind you,” the prime minister added.
Despite the difficulties, “Hungary must not give up its goal to become Europe’s safest country”, he said, adding that eliminating risks arising from illegal migration was a top priority.
Millions have arrived illegally from Africa and the Middle East since 2015, Orbán said. When the crisis “exploded”, Hungary “decided not to budge on security issues, and to protect its borders and build a fence”, he said. The police and the military have stood their ground and protected the country, he said.
At the same time, those forces will have other duties, and the border patrollers will take up the baton, he said.
“Hungarians want Hungary to remain Hungarian, and migrants at the border must be made to understand that they cannot cross these borders… Border partollers have the task to stop them and firmly escort them out,” he said.
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