Kids break into school after tampering with security fence in Swanage - Dorset Live

2022-05-20 23:13:40 By : Ms. Samantha Huang

Police warned: "Parents, do you know where your children are?"

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A school in Swanage was broken into last night (March 16) after reports of local youths tampering with the security fencing. The old grammar school on Northbrook Road is currently blocked off by a metal fence, which the youths tried to get past to gain access to the school.

Purbeck Police issued a patrol unit from the Neighbourhood Policing Team South to scout the area after there were reports of anti-social behaviour. Now it has warned parents to keep an eye on their children in a bid to curb similar nuisance crimes.

An update was issued on Facebook warning people of the dangers of breaking and entering a site. The statement also asked parents, "do you know where your children are".

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The full statement reads: "Neighbourhood Policing Team South out on anti-social behaviour patrols around Swanage this evening. There have been recent reports of local youths tampering with the security fencing in order to gain access to the old grammar school on Northbrook Road."

Police have warned: "This is extremely dangerous, the old building is unstable, and anyone entering it or climbing on it are putting themselves at risk of being severely injured. Parents, do you know where your children are."

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