Estherlee Fence Reports Rebound - Business Journal Daily | The Youngstown Publishing Company

2022-03-12 02:59:35 By : Ms. Susan Xie

Business Journal Daily | The Youngstown Publishing Company

NORTH LIMA, Ohio – Revenues rebounded in 2021 for Estherlee Fence Co. of North Lima.

Worker shortages and other industrywide issues affected the company. Nevertheless it posted a 33% year-to-year increase in sales. The company’s sales slumped by 20% in 2020.

With a backlog of fence projects and others in the bidding stages, the company projects growth to continue this year, says Dave Rutecki, vice president.

A key challenge facing Estherlee Fence remains the workforce shortage. To remedy the issue, the company is offering on-the-job training as part of its partnership with organizations representing the trades.

Power plants, substations, airports, distribution centers, wastewater and water treatment plants, and pipeline metering and compressor stations are revenue leaders for Estherlee.

Recreational fields and tennis/pickleball courts are increasing in number and require fencing and gates. The company has bids in for these facilities, as well as high school and college football and track venues, Rutecki says.

High-security substation fencing, pivot-lift commercial gates, industrial ornamental security fencing and variable speed electric gate operators are in demand and should continue to be included in security fencing projects, Rutecki says. 

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