Dallas hospital security guard delivers baby on Mother's Day | wfaa.com

2022-05-20 23:25:03 By : Mr. Gengxi Cai

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DALLAS, Texas — Eli Davila was on the clock this past Mother's Day. 

He hadn't forgotten a gift for his mom, but an expecting mother in labor needed his help big time. 

Davila works for Medical City Dallas as a security guard. Security footage from Mother's Day shows him taking a wheelchair out to an entrance as Betzabeth Perez pulls up. 

Perez, a mother of three, was expecting her fourth child and going into labor.

In the video, you see Davila using his Radion and hurrying the family to get Perez inside. 

"Anytime we have a big issue, we call it out on the radio," Davila told Medical City Dallas in an interview. "I was like, there's no time for this; we gotta go!" 

Security footage inside the hospital captures the next frantic moments. Perez is wheeled inside by Davila near the elevators. 

In her face, you can see her grimacing. Per Medical City Dallas, the baby was crowning, and Davila could be seen frantically pushing buttons to get an elevator to their floor. 

The pair is seen going inside, but a lot happens on this elevator ride to make it unforgettable. 

Security footage from the next floor shows Perez exiting the elevator holding her newborn baby girl Mia as Davila wheels her where she needs to go.

Davila told the hospital he had to deliver the baby inside the elevator in under a minute. 

"No medical training whatsoever; it was just one of those things where you watch all this TV, and you just put it into practice right now," Davila said. 

"The baby started crying, and the mom got calm, and I told them everything was going to be fine and that the worst was over." 

Perez and Mia are doing just fine now, but it will undoubtedly be an unforgettable elevator ride for Davila. 

"Bringing a baby into this world and having a part in it--it's just really crazy," Davila said. 

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