Council - Sundance Times

2022-09-16 20:08:34 By : Ms. Jacy Wong

The Town Council met this day in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Paul Brooks presiding.

Roll call was taken by Mayor Brooks with Council Members Joe Wilson, Bradley Marchant, Callie Hilty and Randy Stevenson present.


Barbara Whitfield-Customer Deposit Payable $36.41; AT &T-Water, Garbage, Mayor $125.54; Architectural Specialities LLC-Garbage Building Maint. $1177.85; Caselle Inc-Computer Support $1421.00; City Clerk Treasurer- Admin Postage $26.35; Coca-Cola Bottling High Country-Fire Misc. $160.00; Cole Ranch LLC-Water Cole $2987.17; Croell Inc-Streets Supplies $345.60; Crook County Sheriff Service $23,750.00; Crook County Weed & Pest-Streets $181.51; Custom Auto & Truck-Fire Equip & Maint. $233.58; CW Waste-Garbage Gate Fee, Garbage Recycling $18,703.22; Decker’s Food Market-Pool Supplies $119.14; Dwyer Instruments Inc.-Water Supplies-Water Supplies $1189.11; Energy Laboratories Inc-Water Testing $64.00; Grossenburg Implement Inc- Equipment Streets Maint. & Parts, Streets- Equipment $5598.01; Hartl Electric-Streets- Cleveland Light Maint., Pool System Repairs $1916.29; Hawkins Water-Chlorine , Water North Booster, Pool Chemicals $15,965.19; Hot Iron Inc-Water AML Tank $27,908.06; Interstate Engineering-Fire- Misc, City-Misc $8000.00; Mark Hughes- Admin City Attorney Retainer $2000.00; Marco Technologies LLC-Copy Machine Tech Support $41.08; Marco- Admin-Copy Machine $257.92; Matthew Bender & Co Inc-Admin Law Library $192.13; Mueller Co. Water-Misc $1782.48; Northwest Pipe Fittings-Water Supplies $1371.84; One-Call of Wyoming -Water One Call $35.25; Paintbrush Services Admin Toilet Rental $264.00; Paul Brooks-Mayor & Council Travel & Training $310.05; Powder River Energy-Admin, Street Lights, Tennis Courts, Softball, Water, Sewer, Garbage, Daycare, Pool, Fire, Amb, Parks $14,200.86; Range Telephone-Admin, Fire & Ambulance, Garbage, Fire $714.16; Recreation Supply-Pool Misc. $44.04; Rolling Metal-Shop Gas, Shop Diesel, Garbage $2808.46; Security Insurance-Fire Insurance $165.00; Security State Bank-Water AML Kid Tank $3100.90; Servall Uniform/Linen Co-Admin Janitorial $158.94; Sundance Hardware-Pool Supplies, Streets Misc., Water Misc., Parks Supplies, SR Misc. $488.62; The Sundance Times-Admin-Advertising, Streets Mosquitos -$691.50; Town Of Moorcroft-Garbage Landfill Charges $1689.33; Tracy Motor-Parks Supplies, Street Supplies $433.15; Trihydro Corp- Water-AML Kid Tank $2786.25; Trihydro Corp-Water Engineer & Planning $1639.25; Trihydro -Corp-Water City Engineer $2000.00; Trihydro Corp-Garbage Testing $5750.60; Universal Athletic-SR Uniforms $240.00; US Postal Service-Bulk Mailing Utility Bills $323.43; University of Wyo-Fire Chief School $2035.08; VFW Post 4311-Admin-Misc Exp $25.00; Visa #5235 Adm Computer Support, Adm Misc. $173.90; Visa #5219- Admin Computer Support Training $31.99; Visible Difference -Admin Janitorial $1500.00; Volunteer Firemen’s Pension Fund-Fire Dept Retirement-$393.75; WAM Adm Assoc Dues $1550.00; Wesco Dist. Inc Streets Light Maint $4406.00; Weston County Children’s Center -Admin-Development Services $1500.00; Wonderware- Water Misc., Sewer Misc., Garbage Misc. 34.95; Wyoming Supreme Court-Judicial; System Automation Fees $40.00; Wyoming Supreme Court-Civil Legal Fees- Court-Misc $10.00 Payroll-Administration, Maintenance, Pool, Recreation -Payroll-$40,441.95; BC/BS-Health Insurance-$10,826.50; City of Sundance-Flex-$479.50; EFTPS-$11,385.75; Great-West Trust-Deferred Comp-$990.00; NCPERS-Life Ins-$112.00; Sundance State Bank-SKCC-$400.00; Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit-$7.38; Symetra-Long Term Disability-$277.24; Wyoming Retirement System-$6142.78; Wyoming Workers Compensation-$1149.25.

Approve Minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting of August 2, 2022, as published. Approve the August adjustment report. Approve the August Paid Invoice report. Approve the September Unpaid Invoice Report. MOTION CARRIED (per consent agenda).

City Engineer Karla Greaser updated the council on the Sundance Kid Tank project. It is installed, levels are adjusted and it is operating well. Trihydro is working on a few administrative items to finish up. Trihydro will be presenting one final change order next month after final quantities are verified with the contractor. Ms. Greaser explained Change Order # 3 with Trihydro which allows an additional time extension to complete the report.

Ms. Greaser reported that Trihydro is working on a construction close out report as required with AML which provided the funding for the project. That should be ready next couple of months.

Ms. Greaser reported that ARPA grants were submitted last month.

COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to approve Change Order #3 for additional time. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Public Works Director Mac Erickson reported that since the landfill has closed in Moorcroft the City’s transfer station has seen an influx of garbage being brought in from county users. Mr. Erickson stated with the costs of disposal in Gillette and the operating costs of the transfer station, the fees for county users may need to be adjusted. He wants to track this for another month and bring his findings back to the council.

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to allow the Mayor to sign a deer harvest permit application and contract with Nick Kaminski for the 2022 season. The 2022 contract will allow up to forty deer, and pay $50.00 per deer not to exceed $2000.00. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to allow the Mayor to sign the annual propane contract with Blakeman Propane. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.


Mayor Brooks reported that his next meeting with Black Hills Corporation regarding natural gas has been postponed until September 16th, 2022.

Mayor Brooks opened a public hearing for a zone change for Sundance Rentals LLC, Jay and Resann Pixley at 7:15 p.m. No comments were heard. Public hearing closed at 7:20 p.m.

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL STEVENSON SECONDED a motion to grant the zone change for 43.13 acres from Industrial and High Density Residential to Highway Business. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Theresa Benavidez presented the City Council members copies of public notices for zone change advertisements from the Sundance Times. Mrs. Benavidez also gave her example of a more detailed notice. She asked that more detail be published in the future for public notices.

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to accept the August 29, 2022 land use minutes as presented. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Brooks accepted Land Use and Planning Committee Chairman Amanda Miller’s resignation, effective October 1st, 2022.

Discussion was held regarding concerns of commercial vehicles being stored in residential areas. Mayor Brooks asked Land Use Commission member Mark E Hughes if he would provide a list of names for review.

Crook County Storage Shed 309 E Cleveland St

Colton Lenz Addition and deck 104 W Alden St

Sheriff Jeff Hodge reported 93 calls for the month. The Motorcycle Rally was uneventful. Mr. Hodge asked the Council about City Ordinance enforcement such as dogs at large. Discussion was held.

Public Works Director Mac Erickson said the Sundance Kid Tank Project is just about complete. Mr. Erickson is waiting to hear back on other grant applications that have been submitted.

Fire Chief Gari Gill reported billing has been sent to Critical Incident for water used on the Fish Fire. Mr. Gill stated the aircraft fire support was crucial in saving property loss. A grant to replace outdated radios has been applied for. The current radios are now 21 yrs old and outdated. The new radios would be linked to Wyolink.

Mr. Gill will be checking into ARPA funds for the fire hall expansion. A $5000 donation was received during the motorcycle rally from a motorcycle club in which one of its members is a former Sundance resident. This donation will be added to the building fund.

Deputy Clerk Helen Engelhaupt reported that a letter was received denying the pickleball grant.

The annual F66 State audit report has been compiled and submitted. Ms. Engelhaupt stated compliments have been received in the office on the wonderful job this summer with the City’s parks and flowers.

City Attorney Mark Hughes reported he has not heard back from Circuit Court regarding City Ordinance enforcement. Mr. Hughes and Sheriff Hodge will work together to see where things are.

Council Member Stevenson asked about the next steps needed for ordinance enforcement.

COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to go to executive session at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of a personnel issue. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Meeting adjourned for executive session 7:30 p.m.

COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to come out of executive session at 7:36 p.m.

P.O. Box 400 Sundance, WY 82729 Ph: (307) 283-3411

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