Chief Link eyes solution to coyote issue in Lakewood Subdivision

2022-09-09 19:57:11 By : Archer Tan

GLEN CARBON — Earlier this month, Village Police Chief Todd Link recommended that the village contract with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for a nuisance wildlife control operator to hunt coyotes for a week within the Lakewood Subdivision using air rifles from tree stands.

Link said in an Aug. 17 memo to the village’s public safety committee that at the end of July, a Lakewood resident contacted him about a coyote problem. He said their family dog had recently been attacked by coyotes. Link said he met with the resident and his wife at their home and reviewed footage from the family’s home security system. Link said the images clearly showed a pair of coyotes hunting in tandem.

While the family’s dog survived the encounter, Link is concerned that the coyotes may attack other family pets in the subdivision, if they have not already done so.

“While I have advocated a more measured and restrictive response by the police department to wild animal incidents, I do see this incident as a public safety issue,” he said. “From my research with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), I learned the following:

• Coyote season is year-round; no permit required by IDNR Administrative Rules

• Coyotes will not enter a cage or box trap but must be caught in a foot trap. After being caught in a foot trap, the coyote will be euthanized

• Foot traps risk accidentally trapping other animals – household pets, deer, etc.

• Hunting coyotes with air rifles (.25 caliber or .30 caliber) from tree stands eliminates the possibility of harming other animals and puts the coyote down instantly

• The village can obtain the services of an IDNR-approved hunter to cull the coyotes for about $700 to $1,000 for one week of service

Link said Wednesday the committee approved his plan and he is still sorting through individuals from the list of IDNR-approved operators and contacting them to determine the best person to help the village. He said he hopes to make his choice before Labor Day. He said he will not have to bring this before the trustee board for approval; their next board meeting is almost three weeks away.

“This is the first time in my seven years with the department that I’ve had to deal with coyotes,” he said. “Decades ago, our officers hunted coyotes that were attacking livestock in a field off of South Meridian and Girl Scout roads.” He said he would rather avoid having his officers handle wild animals because they are not trained for it. “I also don’t want to make this a regular event,” Link said.

According to the IDNR, coyotes are the state’s largest remaining predator, can run at speeds of up to 43 mph over short distances and are good swimmers. Their fur is usually gray to yellow-gray with some black. Coyotes are in the same family as dogs, foxes and wolves but coyote noses are pointer than most medium-sized to large dogs and coyote tails are bushier. A coyote will keep its tail behind its hind legs while running. Coyotes keep populations of rabbits and other small mammals under control. Coyotes stand approximately two feet high, three- to four-feet long and generally weigh between 20 and 40 pounds though some examples can range into the mid-50s for weight.

The IDNR recommends habitat modification as one control measure:

• Keep garbage stored securely. Coyotes may eat garbage but they are more attracted to the rodents that feed on garbage

• Keep bird-feeding areas clean of debris. Even well-maintained feeders can attract rodents. In turn, this may attract coyotes

• Use squirrel-proof bird feeders. In an urban environment, coyotes naturally feed on mice, voles, rabbits and woodchucks. When natural prey populations decline, it has been shown that squirrels that visit bird feeders become easy prey for coyotes

• Feed pets indoors. If pets are fed outside, clean up any leftover food daily

• Do not leave small pets like rabbits, cats, or small dogs outside unattended, especially at night

Exclusion is another IDNR recommendation.

Excluding coyotes from your property is an effective way to prevent possible conflicts. Fencing can help keep coyotes out if the fence is properly installed and at least four feet tall, it will keep most coyotes out. Chain link or sturdy welded wire fence may be used. Coyotes can jump several feet and are very good climbers and diggers. Reinforcing the fence with an electric wire or a roll bar or installing a taller fence may be needed to deter an overly ambitious coyote. Since these methods can become expensive, using a dog run with a roof can help protect small dogs and may be less costly to install. Make sure livestock and poultry have access to secure shelter and properly fenced areas.

The next village board trustee meeting is Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. at village hall, located at 151 N. Main St.

Reach reporter Charles Bolinger at 618-659-5735

Charles Bolinger covers Edwardsville, Glen Carbon, Maryville, Edwardsville Township and the Collinsville School District for The Edwardsville Intelligencer. A graduate of Webster University in St. Louis, he has been writing for the paper since 2018.