AC and security upgrades: Madison operations super on goals for upcoming year | Education |

2022-07-22 19:57:21 By : Ms. Sophie An

Mainly clear skies. Low 67F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph..

Mainly clear skies. Low 67F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.

Steve Crist, operations supervisor for the Madison Local School District, gives an overview of the department's work during the past year at a school board meeting

Steve Crist, operations supervisor for the Madison Local School District, gives an overview of the department's work during the past year at a school board meeting

MADISON TOWNSHIP – Teachers may be taking a well-deserved break, but Madison Operations Supervisor Steve Crist said his team is busier than ever.

“We’ve had more projects this summer than my entire career here,” Crist said during a presentation to the Madison school board. “I’ve been here 15 years.”

The most daunting undertaking, Crist said, is an initiative to improve air quality and add air conditioning units to the district’s three elementary schools. 

The scope of the project includes adding air conditioning, as well as increased air filtration and supplemental heating to every elementary learning space. Air conditioning and filtration systems will also be added to the high school cafeteria and nine high school classrooms that do not have windows.

Most of the project costs will be paid out of Madison’s COVID-19 relief funds. The challenge is finding the electricians and installers to get it done. 

Crist also updated the board on major projects accomplished during fiscal year 2022 and his goals for the upcoming school year.

The district operations team logged 559 work orders during fiscal year 2022, excluding small jobs that weren’t formally submitted.

At Madison High School, the operations department replaced the roof above the main office, landscaped the courtyard and front entrance, completed $25,000 worth of asphalt repairs, assisted in major renovations and remodeling of the food and cosmetology labs, added a large handicap-accessible restroom, replaced one of the four main sanitary drain runs and repaired another one.

Crist said the 60-year-old building is starting to require more substantial plumbing repairs.

“A lot of the drains, whether they’re sanitary drains or domestic water drains, were made of galvanized steel and it has a recommended lifespan of about 50 years,” he said.

In the coming year, the department plans to make numerous security improvements across the district, including replacing the front doors at the high school, rekeying the high school doors and making the cafeteria lock down-capable with a series of automatic doors.

“Whenever one of the two main panic buttons are hit in the building, those doors would automatically close and lock,” Crist said. 

“As it is now, sometimes there might be 300 kids in that space and they have to run to the gym or go to different places around the school.”

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Students would still be able to exit the space building through the kitchen if necessary, Crist added.

At Madison Middle School, the operations department sealed and restriped a portion of the site’s asphalt, replaced the concrete slab at the main entryway and replaced multiple HVAC classroom control systems. 

Repairs planned for next year include major reworking and replacement of failing HVAC systems as well as concrete repairs at the east bus entrance.

At Madison South Elementary, the operations department restored a portion of the roof, completed multiple large plumbing repairs in supply and drain lines, replaced the main well pump and installed variable frequency drive motor controls for both well motors.

Planned repairs include replacing the main playlet at the north playground, adding air conditioning and filtration and restoring the roof on about 50 percent of the building.  

At Eastview Elementary, the operations department installed a new, $9,000 water heater, resurfaced the playground mulch, added accessible parking spaces and signage, added an accessibility ramp at the main entrance and added a new main building sign.

Planned repairs include remodeling one of the locker rooms to turn into a coaches office, adding air conditioning and filtration, adding a new electrical transformer and doing some landscaping improvements.

At Mifflin Elementary, the operations department replaced both main well pump drives and the well pump, repaired the asphalt surface on the playground and added access control to playground doors so they can stay locked and be accessed with a key fob.

Planned repairs include moving all kindergarten classrooms from the annex to the main building; adding air conditioning and filtration and repairing a large water leak that causes flooding in the 1949 basement section during heavy rains. 

At the Madison Early Childhood Learning Center, the operations department installed an accessible ramp in front of the building, replaced flooring in a restroom, repainted the front entry and did major boiler repair.

Planned repairs include adding and installing a second boiler, installing a new camera operating system, re-keying classrooms and main doors, and adding automated access control for latch-key program sites.

The district’s athletic venues also received major upgrades including replacing a large section of main stadium sanitary line, removing 300 feet of damaged fence and replacing it with large parking blocks, purchased a new groomer for the baseball and softball fields (with the help of the athletic boosters) and professional repairs and sanitizing of the turf field.

Planned repairs include fixing the soccer field light pole wiring and failed lamps, adding a new discus and shot put pad, adding accessibility access to the indoor bleachers and partially recoating the tennis courts and resurfacing the track.

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