New York Adult-Use Retail Dispensary License Fortune Telling: Insights Gleaned from DASNY’s RFP | Vicente Sederberg LLP - JDSupra

2022-06-24 20:11:24 By : Mr. Raymond Luk

The Dormitory Authority State of New York’s (DASNY) $200 million social equity program hopes to develop cannabis conditional adult-use retail dispensaries (CAURD) for social equity licensees. As part of this goal, DASNY released two requests for proposals (RFP). The $50 million is anticipated to be recouped in licensing fees and revenue from the adult-use industry and up to $150 million from the private sector. These funds will be used to:

Identify suitable locations for dispensaries

Acquire or lease the space for the dispensaries

Design and construct the space to suit business needs

Fit locations with furniture and other equipment

The RFP for “Design-Build Services for Retail Cannabis Dispensaries” released on May 13, 2022 paints a picture of what’s to come in New York.

As a quick recap, the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) has the authority to create and regulate a social equity program (Social Equity Fund Program) “to provide persons harmed by the disproportionate enforcement of the cannabis laws with licenses for the legal sale of cannabis through conditional adult-use retail cannabis dispensaries in New York State.” DASNY is seeking proposals from qualified Design-Build teams to provide design, construction, and other services needed to renovate existing spaces for CAURD facilities to be operated by social equity licensees.

With that background out of the way, let’s look at the highlights from the RFP.

Build out an estimated 150 retail spaces

150 dispensaries will be built across the state

85 in the NYC metropolitan area, including Long Island and Westchester

20-25 in Western New York

15-20 in the Hudson Valley/Capital District region

5 -10 in the North Country

5-10 in the Southern Tier region

The dispensaries will range in size from 3,000 to 5,000 square feet

All dispensaries will be completed within two years of contract execution

The specific layout and design features for each facility will not involve input from CAURD licensees

Sales floor and display area

5-10 point of sale areas

Vault and/or secure storeroom

Office space and general storage

Video cameras with 24-hour recording

Duress/panic/holdup alarm at sales counter and glass break sensors

Automatic Voice Dialer or Digital Dialer

Ability to remain operational during a power outage and maintain all security equipment

Illuminating the perimeter around the facility

Windows with exterior glazing systems to meet NYS/NYC Energy Conservation Construction Codes, and privacy screens, roll-down security gates, and use of ballistic glass may be required

Backup system to provide continuous power

Point of sale system/equipment

While we don’t yet have final regulations for the CAURD licenses, the state plans to issue the RFP notice of tentative selection on July 11, 2022.

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