Local companies complete renovation of Heise Park & Unckrich Stadium | Crawford Source | richlandsource.com

2022-09-02 19:52:21 By : Ms. Kat Ding

Partly cloudy skies this evening will become overcast overnight. Low 66F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph..

Partly cloudy skies this evening will become overcast overnight. Low 66F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.

Over the summer, Galion City School District renovated its stadium and parking lot with the help of grant funding and support from local businesses.

Over the summer, Galion City School District renovated its stadium and parking lot with the help of grant funding and support from local businesses.

GALION – Heise Park and the grounds around Unckrich Stadium received some welcome renovations, thanks to grant funding and the work of local companies.

Included in the improvements were revamping and resurfacing the parking lot, new fencing, fresh paint, upgraded lighting, replacement tarps for the track and the installation of security cameras around the stadium.

Heise Park is located in Galion next to Unckrich Stadium.

Over the summer, Galion City School District renovated its stadium and parking lot with the help of grant funding and support from local businesses.

Renovations were completed over the summer at Galion's Unckrich Stadium and the adjoining parking lot with Heise Park.

Heise Park is located in Galion next to Unckrich Stadium.

Over the summer, Galion City School District renovated its stadium and parking lot with the help of grant funding and support from local businesses.

The stadium parking lot was resurfaced by Bucyrus Road Machine – a task that has not been done in nearly 30 years. The resurfacing allowed Galion Schools to add two more handicap-accessible parking spaces along the fence, and remove numerous parking barriers to allow for a more efficient and safe traffic pattern.

The walk along Heise Lane and Unckrich Stadium’s east entrance past the ticket booth looks a bit more pleasing, thanks to the installation of a decorative fence by Southway Fence.

Additionally, the remaining perimeter running from the southeast corner around the north side and finishing by the wrestling room was updated by Tackett Fence with new black rubber-coated chain link fence.

The primary grandstand and interior fence received new looks, as well, thanks to Marc II Construction, who repainted the grandstand and JW Pro Painting, who painted the interior fence.

These renovations were made possible thanks to numerous grants and funding through the Egbert M. Freese Foundation. Thanks to their support, Galion Schools received $60,000 toward the fencing projects and $70,000 for upgrading the lighting with more efficient lights, as well as eliminating two of the eight lighting towers. The foundation also donated $56,000 toward resurfacing the parking lot, including the walkway to the new city pavilion area.

The Arthur J. Freese Foundation provided the $10,000 needed to install security cameras at the stadium, and a $9,800 grant from the Ralph E. Boyd foundation was used to purchase replacement tarps for the track. These tarps will be used to protect the track from high-volume foot traffic.

“While our students are enjoying summer break, there is still so much work that goes on behind the scenes in preparation for the new year,” said Superintendent Jennifer Allerding. “It has been so exciting to see the renovations at the stadium take place, and we could not have done it without the support of our community.”

The Galion City School District said it is grateful for the support of our local foundations, who provided the opportunities to give students and the district the best facilities possible.

"We are always looking to deliver invaluable experiences for our students to complement their high-quality education," the district noted in a press release. "The collaboration of our community, families and sponsors makes it all possible."

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